
Public Safety

  • Secure the Border

  • Fund and Empower Law Enforcement

  • Reverse Decriminalization Legislation

Economic Revitalization

  • Reduce unnecessary regulation

  • Promote pro-growth moratorium on small business state fees and payroll taxes

  • Encourage economic growth through initiatives like no taxes on tips


  • Work with constituents to meet realistic needs for affordable housing while protecting cherished neighborhoods, safety, and quality of life

  • Investigate rising variable homeownership costs like utilities and home insurance premiums that have been driven higher by state legislation authored by my opponent

  • Offer additional tax credits for new homeowners to offset new costs and encourage investment


  • Support school choice programs, including Charter Schools & Private School Vouchers

  • Refocus on achieving student literacy & proficiency in Reading, Writing & Arithmetic

  • Emphasize vocational training programs to create competitive skilled workforce

Lower Taxes

  • Stop any new taxes and protect Prop 13

  • Repeal or reduce taxes

  • Cut wasteful government spending


  • Support Parental Rights to make choices for their children without State interference

  • Support Foster Care and Adoption Reforms to provide more children with safe happy forever homes. Also, enhance support services for foster children after they turn 18.

  • Provide State of CA Household Dependent Tax Credits of $5k per dependent, including child under 18 years old and/or dependent senior over 65 years of age.


  • Repair CA Aqueduct and conserve rainwater using dams

  • Encourage counties to invest in desalination technology to reduce energy wasteful usage importing water from Mexico and Nevada

  • Ban Fluoridation of water in California


  • Stop entitlement programs for undocumented immigrants

  • Reverse SB 54 and encourage cooperation between ICE/Border Patrol and Law Enforcement

  • Remove sanctuary status for undocumented immigrants


  • Fund early interventions for children such as hearing aids, vision testing/glasses and special needs support

  • Investigate insurance and MediCal fraud

  • Reinstate religious and medical expmetions for vaccines


  • Support Farmers by Saving Rainwater and Restoring Historical Water Allotments

  • Banning Toxic Food Additives

  • Promote Healthy Food Programs in Schools


  • Open up permitting of CA oil fields and stop importing dirty OPEC oil.

  • Focus on California’s energy independence, stopping Brownouts and Grid Outages

  • Collaborate with Energy Innovators to embrace Fission, Nuclear Energy and other promising non-fossil fuel technologies