EMERGENCY!!! They are coming for our children like never before. Make Calls today to 5 state senators!

This "gut and amend" bill will force schools to keep secrets from parents and protect employees who indoctrinate our children. If passed, it will make it illegal for schools to inform parents about their child's social transition.

They are fast-tracking this bill, bypassing standard procedures to get it passed before we can object. Instead of moving through Health Committees, it is going straight to the Appropriations Committee and will soon hit the Senate Floor.

We need your help now. Please call these State Senators on the Appropriations Committee and ask them to vote NO on AB 1955 before the Senate Appropriations hearing on Monday, 6/10, at 11 AM in Room 2200, 1021 O Street, Sacramento. Leave messages after hours.

Additionally, please call your legislators, both Senate and Assembly. To find your representative, click the button above and call Scott Wiener's offices: Capitol office (916) 651-4011 and SF office (415) 557-1300. Oppose AB 1955.

I am committed to fighting these harmful policies and ensuring parents have a say in their children's education and upbringing. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help – our children need your help – to stand against these government overreaches and protect our families.

Your support can help us take this fight to the next level. We must stop Scott Wiener now and in November and vote him out! Please donate or volunteer for my campaign today. What is your child worth to you?

Thank you for your support and dedication to protecting our children. Please share this message with everyone you can.

Yvette Corkrean
California State District 11 Candidate
(415) 839-0251

Yvette Corkrean - Senate Candidate for District 11

Yvette embodies the spirit of San Francisco—a resilient, compassionate, and pragmatic leader. She calls on all Californians to stand up, not run, in the face of adversity. With her steadfast dedication to addressing critical issues and the call to "save our state," Yvette aims to unite Californians from across the political spectrum to build a brighter future for the Golden State.


We Were Warned


Stand With Yvette Corkrean: Protect Justice And Our Values!