We Were Warned; They Are Coming For Our Children!!!!

SCOTT WIENER HAS TO GO - We cannot afford another 4 years of WIENER!

I am writing to you today with extremely troubling news that requires urgent attention. Scott Wiener and his LGBTQ caucus are actively working on a bill Assembly Bill 1955 that will force schools to keep secrets from parents and protect school employees who indoctrinate our children.

Scott Wiener believes that the State should parent our children. His agenda is designed to use schools to create more gender confused children and feed the medical complex children’s healthy bodies to be manipulated into looking like the opposite sex or a sex that does not exist in nature.  He is actively excluding parents from the conversation and blocking them from helping their children.

In Wiener’s press conference to mark AB1955 he stated, “these are our children, all our children”. A man without children of his own, and claiming YOUR CHILDREN as HIS.  Our children do NOT and NEVER will belong to the State, and certainly never belong to Scott Wiener.  Wiener demonized the kind, loving, nurturing parents by calling them “nasty people” for wanting to know what’s happening in their children’s lives.

Parents cannot support their kids if they do not know what's going on with their kids.

They talk about "forced outing" but that's a trap to separate ALL parents from their kids and give schools wrongful authority over their lives. Children who take on a transgender identity are crying for help.  They are signaling that they are distressed about their natural bodies. These children have a heightened risk of suicide, and Wiener wants to prevent parents from safeguarding their own children.

AB 1955 will be the first law in the nation that will REQUIRE schools to deceive parents that their child is using a different name, pronouns and using opposite sex facilities.  It will force teachers to change their language depending to whom they are speaking.  Many schools are already employing tactics designed to lie to parents, but with AB1955 it will now be the law.

These are our children, not the government’s or Scott Wiener’s children. As parents and guardians, we have the right to guide and protect our kids from ideologies that may not align with our values as repeatedly held by the Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution.

Make calls today to your legislators to STOP AB 1955

To find your representatives simply click https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/ please be polite, state your name and that you OPPOSE AB 1955

Scott Wiener: Capitol office (916) 651-4011 | SF office (415) 557-1300

I am committed to fighting against these harmful policies and ensuring parents have a say in their children’s education and upbringing. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help -  our children need your help -  to stand up against these government overreaches and protect our families.

Your support can help us take this fight to the next level. We must stop Scott Wiener and vote him out in November. Please donate or volunteer to my campaign today. What is your child worth to you? Thank you for your support and dedication to protecting our children.

Be sure to share this email and my message to everyone that you can.

Yvette Corkrean
California State District 11 Candidate
(415) 839-0251

Yvette Corkrean - Senate Candidate for District 11

Yvette embodies the spirit of San Francisco—a resilient, compassionate, and pragmatic leader. She calls on all Californians to stand up, not run, in the face of adversity. With her steadfast dedication to addressing critical issues and the call to "save our state," Yvette aims to unite Californians from across the political spectrum to build a brighter future for the Golden State.


Sheriff Tom Ferrara Endorses Yvette Corkrean


EMERGENCY!!! They are coming for our children like never before. Make Calls today to 5 state senators!