End Sanctuary State Protections of Illegal Immigrant Pedophiles

I am writing today about a matter that is deeply concerning and demands our immediate attention. On Tuesday, Assembly Democrats unanimously blocked AB 2641 (Essayli), a legislative bill designed to end California's 'sanctuary state' protections for illegal immigrant pedophiles. This decision allows criminals to continue to be shielded from deportation under California's Sanctuary State Law, SB54, despite their heinous crimes.

AB 2641 was proposed in response to a disturbing announcement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealing that an illegal alien who had raped an American child was released from California state custody, a direct consequence of the state's Sanctuary State laws. These laws provide undue protection to illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes, putting our communities at risk.

>> Read more here <<

We cannot stand by and let these atrocities continue! I am committed to ensuring the safety and security of all Californians. I will continue to support legislative efforts to end sanctuary state protections for dangerous criminals and hold our elected officials accountable.

But I can’t do this alone, call on your California Lawmakers to Pass AB 2641. Please consider donating or volunteering for my campaign support my win in November to help stop these injustices by the supermajority. Please share this information because Mainstream Media will not. Help our legislators protect us and pass AB 2641. Together, we can bring about the change that California desperately needs.

Yvette Corkrean
California State District 11 Candidate
(415) 839-0251

Yvette Corkrean - Senate Candidate for District 11

Yvette embodies the spirit of San Francisco—a resilient, compassionate, and pragmatic leader. She calls on all Californians to stand up, not run, in the face of adversity. With her steadfast dedication to addressing critical issues and the call to "save our state," Yvette aims to unite Californians from across the political spectrum to build a brighter future for the Golden State.


CALL TO ACTION: MAKE CALLS TODAY Stand Against AB 1955 And Stop Schools From Lying To Parents


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